Easily one of my Top 5 movies EVER ... Donnie Darko was a character tormented by his ability, the ability to see the future. More than just seeing the future, Donnie's actions caused a branching from the 'Primary Universe' into a 'Tangent Universe'. Of course to correct the rift caused when Donnie escaped death the first time (which led to visions of and the death of Frank the Bunny and of Gretchen) he himself had to die to put the timeline right again.

She was an example of how devistating telekinesis can be. She set her school ablaze and crucified her mother with kitchen knives, all because of her 'monthly visit from Aunt Flo', so to speak. Although Sylar has the power of telekinesis, Heroes lacks a character who has been kicked around and suddenly realizes they have the means to kick back.

Jason was a remorseless killer who punished the wicked (teens that like to smoke pot and do it). Jason could not die, but unlike Claire he showed the wear and tear of all his battles. Everyone on Heroes seems to have a similar moral compass, how about giving us a religious nut who uses their ability to impose their beliefs on others?

Drew Barrymore's character in Firestarter. Her parents were test subjects injected with a formula called 'Lot 6', which led to her father developing telepathic hypnosis and her mother developing telekinesis. Charlie, being that she was the offspring of these two had the latent ability to create fire with her mind. She was kidnapped by a Government agency called 'The Shop' so they could study the extent of her ability. Maybe something similar could be done with the inmates of Level 5 ... I mean Elle had to run the gauntlet of testing, why shouldn't hardend criminals?

Classic lead role in The Shining (one of my favorite books AND movies). Although Jack didn't necessarily have an ability, the effect the Overlook Hotel had on him could be a possible side effect of Sylar's new ability "Clairsentience". Imagine certain objects having such a strong aura, or whatever, that they start to alter Sylar's moods and thoughts. If not Sylar (who probably fully understands the ability as he used his 'brain mapping' to obtain it) have some other empath come into contact with the ability and struggle with it.
I am sure there are other examples, in movies and other media, that would be a good fit for Heroes. These are just a few that are near and dear to my heart (as they are some of my favorite film characters.) Feel free to agree or disagree ... or better yet, contribute to the idea.
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